Modal sekali tapi $$$$....masyukkk.

Peluang baik dan mampu milik....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Ini kisah dari teman gue lho dari seberang... begini..

Zaman ni zaman susah. Harga minyak naik terus, akibatnya terjadi pemberhentian di berbagai syarikat. Salah satunya yg terkena pemberhentian ialah Suparjo dari Semarang, Indon. Bulan ni dia tak dapat kirim wang utk isterinya di kampung halaman. Hanya dapat kirim surat yg isinya demikian:

Isteriku tercinta,
Maafkan kanda sayang, bulan ni kanda tak dapat kirim wang utk keperluan keluarga di rumah. Kanda hanya dapat mengirimkan buatmu 1000 ciuman.

paling cinta, Kanda Suparjo.

Seminggu kemudian Suparjo mendapat surat balasan dari isteri tercintanya.

Kanda Suparjo tersayang,
Terima kasih atas kiriman 1000 ciumanmu. Utk bulan ini Dinda akan menyampaikan laporan perbelanjaan keluarga:
Tukang minyak bersedia menerima 2 ciuman setiap kali membeli 5 liter minyak tanah.
Tukang letrik mahu dibayar dengan 4 ciuman setiap 10hb setiap bulan.
Tuan rumah mahu sewanya dibayar ansuran 3 kali ciuman setiap hari.
Tokeh kedai runcit tak mahu dibayar pakai ciuman. Dia mintak yg lain jadi Dinda terpaksa berikan saja.
Hal yg sama juga kepada Guru Besar dan guru kelas sekolah di Nanang yg dah 3 bulan tertunggak. Besok Dinda nak ke pajak gadai utk tukar 200 ciuman dgn wang tunai sebab Tokeh pajak gadai dah sedia tukarkan 200 ciuman dan gadaian yg lain dgn wang Rp650 ribu. Lumayan buat belanja sebulan. Keperluan peribadi Dinda bulan ni mencapai 50 ciuman.

Kanda tersayang.. bulan ni Dinda merasa menjadi org paling kaya di kampung kita kerana Dinda berikan hutang ciuman kepada ramai pemuda di kampung dan siap ditukar dengan apa pun keperluan Dinda. Yang dari kanda masih berbaki 125 ciuman, kanda ada fikiran bagaimana mahu dihabiskan? Atau Dinda simpan dululah dalam tabung yer??

Paling sayang, dari Dinda Suti Nirwingsih ....

gedebuk... Suparjo pengsan!!!!

Lu Fikir La Sendiri beb....

By anak johor on July 8, 2008 9:17 AM

The target is not PETRONAS, that's what they want everybody to think. The target is Tan Sri Hassan Merican, PRESIDENT and CEO of PETRONAS.

Before I answer your question why, let me take you a few years back. Immediately after Pak Lah took over from Tun Dr. Mahathir as of 31.10.2003, a small consulting firm named BINA FIKIR was invited to make a presentation to Pak Lah to present their views of Malaysian Economic situation back then.

Subsequent events lead to another, soon they were meeting EVERY OTHER DAY, of course all these with the help from KJ, PM Son-in-Law. There were so many proposals from BINA FIKIR that even the Government senior officers couldn't keep up.


But Pak Lah tells Malaysian that an action plan is in place as he called for the General Election in March 2004. MR. CLEAN won the election in 2004 by breaking records for UMNO as well as BARISAN.

Earlier newspaper reports were focusing on FOCUSING on KHAZANAH NASIONAL BERHAD performance and after several collective comments on Khazanah, Pak Lah announced that the MD, Datuk Anwar Aji, of Khazanah is to be replaced by Azman Mokhtar on June 1, 2004, barely 2 months after election.

AZMAN was the brain and the MD of BINA FIKIR. Datuk Anwar was given Chairman of Faber Group Berhad. It was planned so well that people hardly noticed. KJ was successful in planting his people at Khazanah Nasional Berhad and now has access to ALL THE ASSETS OF KHAZANAH. Khazanah passive policy on its investments were changed almost overnight. They were allowed to use their assets as securities to raise monies for INVESTMENTS OVERSEAS. Invest they did into the billions of ringgits thru certain investments advisors which makes tonnes on advisory fees and services.

Personal greed is difficult to satisfy! PETRONAS is by far the richest company and most profitable in Malaysia. PETRONAS has won several accolades as the BEST MANAGED COMPANY too. PETRONAS is in the Fortune 500 companies.

And Tan Sri Hassan Marican is a tough nut to crack. To replace Tan Sri Hassan is not an easy tasks. So when the opportunity comes, KJ & CO took full advantage to bash PETRONAS. Using mass media which he controls, using many bloggers to plant hate mails into various local sites and even to the extent of spreading sms-es sent nationwide to boycott Petronas stations and productes, he is seeing the desired results.

He further attack Petronas for not being transparent in the annual account, which is strange because Khazanah Nasional does not even publish its annual account. It is only Petronas being bashed. Tan Sri Hassan came out defending PETRONAS saying accountsarea available, only certain people refuses to read it!

Never before has Tan Sri Hassan has to defend himself. Defend he did, he tried, but Hassan does not have the power KJ has on the media. Silly allegations were thrown at PETRONAS all with evil intention to make people angry at Hassan for the fuel hike which was actually the DOLLAH's GOVERNMENT DECISION.
The modus operandi was similar to Khazanah Nasional, ONLY PETRONAS seems more difficult. More attempts to unseat Hassan will be planned by these greedy people, and all they need is a wrong move by Hassan, so far he has done none of it.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Katak Si Katak Lompat...Lompatlah Tinggi2

3 laporan polis saya ke atas Kamaludin/Pak Lah : Ezam

Seremban- "TIDAK mungkin saya diterima masuk dalam Umno kerana saya sudah buat tiga kali laporan polis dan BPR terhadap Presiden Umno Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan anaknya Kamaludin," tegas Pengerusi Gerakan Demokrasi dan anti korupsi (GERAK) Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor. Ezam berkata demikian ketika melancarkan kempen 'Rasuah Musuh Nombor Satu Negara' peringkat Negeri Sembilan malam tadi di Taman Setia Jaya, Seremban. Dihadapan ribuan hadirin, Ezam yang juga bekas ahli Parti Keadilan Rakyat(PKR) berkata, khabar angin beliau akan masuk Umno itu diada-adakan untuk mengelirukan orang ramai. "Mana mungkin saya diterima Umno, sejak Abdullah jadi Perdana Menteri, saya sudah buat tiga laporan polis dan BPR terhadap beliau dan anak kesayangannya Kamaluddin.
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